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Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover

Goedkoop 3D-ontwerp druk pasgemaakte beddegoed stel anti rimpel lakens blou en wit dekbedbedekking

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Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover

Hoe kies ek die grootte?
Pienk PersEenhoorn Beddeksels Gedrukte Eenhoorn Beddegoed Stel 3D Ontwerp Dekbedovertrek Vir Meisies Pasgemaakte Spotprent

1. Alibaba Beddegoedgrootte is nie standaard nie. Kies asseblief die grootte van die beddegoed volgens jou quiltgrootte.

2. Die grootte van die dekbedovertrek moet dieselfde wees as u dekbed, byvoorbeeld,

as jou dekbed 200x230cm is, moet jy 200x230cm dekbedovertrek kies,

so jy moet kies ooreenstem Koningin grootte Of ander ooreenstemmende afmetings.

3. Die grootte van verskillende lande is anders, so ons dui aan met cm of duim meting.

4. Die verskil tussen die laken en die paslaken:
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover factory

Enkel: Dekbedovertrek 140x210cm, 2 kussingslope 50Xx75cm
Dubbel: Dekbedovertrek 180x210cm, 2 kussingslope 50x75cm
Koningin: Dekbedovertrek 210x210cm, 2 kussingslope 50x75cm
Koning: Dekbedovertrek 240x210cm, 2 kussingslope 50x75cm
Tweeling: Dekbedovertrek 172x218cm, 2 kussingsloop 50xX75cm
Vol: Dekbedovertrek 200x229cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x75cm
Koningin: Dekbedovertrek 228x228cm 2 kussingsloop 50x75cm
Koning: Dekbedovertrek 259x229cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x90cm
California King: Dekbedovertrek 264x239cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x90cm
Tweeling enkelgrootte dekbedovertrek 135x200cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x75cm
Dubbelgrootte: Dekbedovertrek 200x200cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x75cm
koning grootte: Dekbedovertrek 240x220cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x75cm
Super King grootte: Dekbedovertrek 260x220cm, 2 kussingsloop 50x75cm
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover manufacture
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Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover details
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover details
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Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover factory
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover factory
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover details
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1. Wat is jou voordele?
Ons maatskappy het 'n volledige reeks produkte, gehalteversekering, lae eenheidsprys. Ons aanvaar OEM- of ODM-ontwerp vir jou.

2. Hoe kan ek die monster kry om die kwaliteit te bevestig? Hoe lank aflewering?

Verskaf asseblief die produknaam, materiaal, grootte en ander vereiste aan ons, en monster sal binne 3-5 dae nadat monsterbestelling bevestig is, gestuur word.

3. Hoe om die kwaliteit te waarborg nadat u 'n bestelling geplaas het?

1) Monster eers bevestig voor massaproduksie en massaproduksie streng volgens die monsterkwaliteit.
2) As geen monster bevestig word nie, sal bestelling gedoen word volgens die vereistes wat deur beide partye ooreengekom is.
3) As daar gevind word dat die kwaliteit nie ooreenstem met die monsterkwaliteit na ontvangs van die inspeksie van grootmaatgoedere nie, sal ons maatskappy die verantwoordelikheid neem.

4 . Hoe lank is jou afleweringstyd?
Gewoonlik is dit 10-20 dae, pas aan of massa hoeveelheid langer.

5. Wat is die betalingsvoorwaardes wat jy aanvaar?
1) T / T-betaling, 30% as deposito, balans voor aflewering.
2) Jy kan ook betaling maak vanaf Alibaba-handelsversekeringsbestelling, wat so veilig is soos PayPal en laer handigingsfooi as PayPal.

6. Waar is jou naaste hawe?
Sjanghai of Ningbo
Cheap 3D design print custom bedding set anti wrinkle bedsheets blue and white quilt cover manufacture

