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Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon

Weggooibare bad- en gesighanddoek gesonde en skoon leefstyl vir reis en salon

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Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon
Produk Beskrywing
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon details
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Item Naam
Weggooibare handdoeke vir skoonheidsalon
 100% plantvesel
Gesig handdoeke 30 * 60cm, bad handdoeke 133 * 65cm
Hotelle, restaurante, hospitaal, motelle, oorde, strand, klubs, sport, spa ens
Geen bymiddels Preserveermiddels nie
Aflewering tyd
Standaard 15 dae na deposito ontvang
Voorwaardes van betaling
 TT / PayPal / Western Union / Geld Gram / Alibaba Trade Assurancev
Verpersoonliking Diens
Kliënt se naam, Etiket of logo
Produksie kapasiteit
100,000 stuks per maand.
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon details
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon manufacture
Verpakking en aflewering
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon factory
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon supplier
Om die veiligheid van jou goedere beter te verseker, sal professionele, omgewingsvriendelike, gerieflike en doeltreffende verpakkingsdienste verskaf word.
Ons voordele:
1. Hoë kwaliteit
* Goeie grondstowwe:Land van tekstiel, hoë kwaliteit langstapelkatoen
* Kwaliteit sertifikate:Oeko-tex standaard 100, ISO 9001,24001
2. Diens
*Professionele adviesom jou te help vind wat jy wil hê
*eenstop-diens: die verskaffing van hotel beddegoed, hotel bad linne, hotel tafel linne produkte
* Kwaliteit inspeksie:Volledige tjek en ewekansige tjek
* Produkwaarborg: Monsterbevestiging voor grootmaatproduksie
3. Ondervinding
* Professionele span om die beste samewerkingsplan vir jou te ontwikkel
* die verskaffing van hoteltekstiel vir baie hoëster-hotelkettings
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon factory
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon supplier
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon factory
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon supplier
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon supplier
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon factory
1. Wat is jou voordele?
Ons maatskappy het 'n volledige reeks produkte, gehalteversekering, lae eenheidsprys. Ons aanvaar OEM- of ODM-ontwerp vir jou.

2. Hoe kan ek die monster kry om die kwaliteit te bevestig? Hoe lank aflewering?

Verskaf asseblief die produknaam, materiaal, grootte en ander vereistes aan ons, en monster sal binne 3-5 dae daarna gestuur word
Monsterbestelling word bevestig.

3. Hoe om die kwaliteit te waarborg nadat u 'n bestelling geplaas het?

1) Monster eers bevestig voor massaproduksie en massaproduksie streng volgens die monsterkwaliteit.
2) As geen monster bevestig word nie, sal bestelling gedoen word volgens die vereistes wat deur beide partye ooreengekom is.
3) As daar gevind word dat die kwaliteit nie ooreenstem met die monsterkwaliteit na ontvangs van die inspeksie van grootmaatgoedere nie, ons maatskappy
sal die verantwoordelikheid neem.

4 . Hoe lank is jou afleweringstyd?
Gewoonlik is dit 10-20 dae, pas aan of massa hoeveelheid langer.

5. Wat is die betalingsvoorwaardes wat jy aanvaar?
1) T / T-betaling, 30% as deposito, balans voor aflewering.
2) Jy kan ook betaling maak vanaf Alibaba-handelsversekeringsbestelling, wat so veilig is soos PayPal en laer handigingsfooi as PayPal.

6. Waar is jou naaste hawe?
Sjanghai of Ningbo
Disposable bath and face towel healthy and clean life style for travel and salon details

