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Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow

Nie-gly 3D Mesh stof vinnig-droog SPA Badkussings nuwe ontwerp Luukse Badkussing

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Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow
Produk Beskrywing
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow manufacture
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Item Naam
bad kussing
gaasstof en katoen
4D lug gaas tegnologie
beskerm nek
Voeg grootte in
35 * 35 * 8cm
T / T, 30% deposito om te produseer, 70% balans voor verlaat fabriek
Aflewering tyd
Ongeveer 15-30 dae
Naaste hawe
Sjanghai / Ningbo
100 stuks
Detail beelde
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow manufacture
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow manufacture
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow details
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow manufacture
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow details
Ons fabriek

Hanbi is 'n professionele verskaffer van hotelprodukte in China.
Ons belangrikste produkte sluit in hotellinne, handdoek, verbruiksgoedere in die gastekamer, klein ornamente, toestelle en ander hotelbykomstighede.

Ons het 'n professionele uitvoerspan om kliënte te help om die invoerproses te hanteer en te vind wat hulle regtig wil hê.
Ons kan die hoë kwaliteit produk met 'n baie mededingende prys voorsien.
As jy belangstel in enige van ons produkte, voel asseblief vry om ons te kontak.
Ons sien uit daarna om in die nabye toekoms met nuwe kliënte regoor die wêreld saam te werk.

Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow manufacture
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow details
Ons diens
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow factory
Non-Slip 3D Mesh fabric quick-dry SPA Bath Pillows new design Luxury Bathtub Pillow supplier


1.        Waar is jou fabriek?
Ons fabriek is in die Jiangsu-provinsie geleë. Dit neem ongeveer 3 uur per motor van Sjanghai na ons fabriek.

2.        Hoe kan ek 'n monster kry vir kwaliteitsbevestiging? Hoe lank tot aflewering?
a)        Verskaf asseblief die produknaam, samestelling, digtheid en grootte aan ons. Jy kan ook jou monster stuur vir verwysing.
b)        Afleweringstyd ongeveer een week.

3.        Hoe om bestelling te plaas?
a) Bevestig die model en hoeveelhede wat jy wil koop.
b) Ons maak PI vir jou.
c) Jy gaan PI na en bevestig dit uiteindelik, wanneer betaling ontvang word, produseer ons so gou moontlik. d) Stuur die verwante dokumente op/na vragaflewering.

4.        Hoe lank is jou afleweringstyd?
Gewoonlik is dit 15-30 dae, pas aan of massa hoeveelheid langer.

5.        Wat is die betalingsvoorwaardes wat jy aanvaar?
Ons aanvaar die T / T-betaling, 30% as deposito, balans voordat goedere die fabriek verlaat.
Jy kan ook betaling van Alibaba maak, wat jou veilig laat voel. Haha...

6.        Waar is jou naaste hawe?
Sjanghai of Ningbo.

