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Lenjerie de pat pentru hotel

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Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding

Imprimare hotelieră pur100% bumbac personalizat stea greutate 200tc 300tc 400tc set de cearșaf și quilt de înaltă calitate lenjerie de pat din țesătură

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Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding
Descrierea produsului
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding manufacture
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding details
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Detalii Imagini
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding manufacture
Numele produsului
Set pat de hotel din patru piese
Număr de țesături
60X40 din satin din bumbac pur
60X60 satin de bumbac 
Satin de bumbac 80X80
 Fâșie de satein de bumbac 40 termi 
40x40 din satin pur bumbac
Tehnologie de țesut
satin, jet, satin
Culoare solidă
Mărime LOGO Style 
Pentru a mapa personalizarea, eșantionare rapidă

Specificații de dimensiune
1.0 Set de pat din 3 piese (husă de pat 1.6X210, cearșaf de pat 150X250, față de pernă 58X88) 
1.2 Set de pat din 3 piese (husă de pat 1.8X240 cearșaf de pat
200X280 față de pernă 58X88) 
1.5 Set pat 4 piese (husă de pat 2.1X240, cearșaf 240X280, față de pernă 58X88 2) 
1.8 Set de pat din 4 piese (Pat
husă 240X240 cearșaf de pat 260X280 față de pernă 58X88 2 bucăți) 
2.0 Set pat 4 piese (Husă pat 260X250 cearșafuri 280X280 față de pernă 58X88
2 bucăți)
Tip cearșaf de pat
Tehnologie de imprimare și vopsire
Imprimare reactivă
Bumbac pur
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding supplier
Profilul companiei
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding manufacture
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding manufacture
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding manufacture
Ambalare și livrare
Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory
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Hotel printing pure100% cotton custom star weight 200tc 300tc 400tc high quality sheet and quilt set fabric bedding factory


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